- If this is the first time you are practicing long distance running, not to be professional, but to maintain a healthy level of fitness, then you do not need to over-exert yourself on the first run. That leads to an uncomfortable night and a very uncomfortable morning.
- Stretch. Though studies claim this aspect is not required and you can still suffer from injuries,stretching tends to strengthen and prepare your muscles for use,reduces the chance of injury, and strengthens the tendons and nerves that connect to the muscles that tend to rip easily.
- While running, inhale through your nose and exhale through your Mouth. This is my preferred form of circulation.Diaphragmatic breathing, fills the lower part of you're lungs, which increases aerobic capacity, reduce stress and eliminates runners cramps . Also, with practice, allow air to enter and exit through both you're nostrils and mouth which will maximize your O2 consumption
- Posture is key. Slouching or looking down while running, decreases your speed and endurance, as the throat will be slightly compressed, which hinders your breathing. Slouching while running, or running awkwardly with a poor form, causes injury and also reduces performance.
- SHOES. I cannot emphasize enough on footwear. I was around 400 pounds,inexperienced and wanted to learn on my own, and i paid a painful price of severe runners knee and shin splints in the beginning due to poor footwear, which i will let you know in advance, shock shoes are terrible for running. And yes i am talking about those shoes that have those suspension/bubbles that act as shocks. Get shoes that are comfortable, but also allow you to feel the shock of the ground, go to foot locker and use one of the foot sensors they have to recommend you a shoe if you have the convenience or the cash. If not, go to a shoe store and decide long and hard about which shoe would be comfortable. Personal recommendations would be Acsics Vibram and saucony running shoes, they LAST. Also, change shoes after 6 months-1year or 600 miles, they do more harm than good after that.
- Avoiding a stitch. This was amazingly simple when i found it out after an accidental discovery. While running, exhale on your left foot. Your diaphragm is moving up and down., constantly putting pressure on the organs in the body, but the liver is the one that usually hurts first,as it is the heaviest organ in the human body.
- Scheduling. Contrary to popular belief (and montage videos) nobody can start training for a half marathon or a marathon in 1 month, after genuinely being unfit, to being marathon ready, it takes time, and it takes a proper method of steadily increasing your stamina and endurance. Like everything it needs a plan. So This is how i started off. I would dedicated 1 hour to cardiovascular so this is how my schedule looked like: (Don't forget to Stretch!)
1st week: 5minutes of jogging ,5 minutes of walking rest repeatedly for 1 hour
2nd week: 10 minutes of jogging, 5 minutes , walking rest repeatedly for 1 hour
3rd week: 10 minutes of jogging , 4 minutes ,walking rest repeatedly for 1 hour
4th week: 15 minutes of jogging, 4 minutes of walking rest repeatedly for 1 hour
5th week: 20 minutes of jogging, 4 minutes of walking rest repeatedly for 1 hour
Basically You increase your endurance and stamina in stages over a certain period, when you reach the capacity to run for 30 minutes straight, in the 8th week with no rest interval, you are on the wonderful road to becoming a long distance runner. - Bonus point: High Intesity Interval Training (HIIT) When you reach to a point in running where your distance is good (and you are actually enjoying it and serious about it) start sprint intervals with little rest, or explosive Tabata interval training
Now that you have finished reading these wonderful tidbits, why are you still here? GO FORTH AND LIVESTRONG!
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Long distance running tips i've learned
So i was asked yesterday by someone what do you normally require when practicing for a long distance run, so i'll do it in bullet points.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
The truth about modern day hacktivists
Too many people want to fight for a cause behind a PC, under an anonymous title, rather than publicly going out and fighting for what they believe in to do so.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Friday, 27 January 2012
You do not see the signs because you're focused on your own self interest;
You do not see the signs because you're working from 8-4 coming home tired;
You do not see the signs because you're too busy shopping for brand name clothes, shoes and acessories to impress your peers;
You do not see the signs because you're too busy listening to public figure morons babble, you listen to toungs that lie, as you give them both your ears and eyes;
you do not see the signs because you're too busy drinking, liming and clubbing. High and sober;
You do not see the signs because you're riding in your car blasting music;
You do not see the signs because you're saving up for your costume to whine and drink on carnival to impress you're friends by telling them what band you're in;
you do not see the signs because you're in denial
You do not see the signs because you've turned your eye
You do not see the signs because you do not wish to see anything out of the norm
You do not see the signs because you are afraid to turn off the illsuion of the reality you are living
You do not see the signs because you think there are none at all
You do not see the signs.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Commercialization of memes, and the destruction of creativity
Since the internet's inception, there has always been something new and original one can discover everyday.
Internet users have generated original content for free, most of these products are known as "memes" . An Original style or culture taken in a picture , using a short description to explain the description meant for the memes particular genre to explain a current culture or modern phenomena. It has soon, turned into a form of comic releif, while carrying very light,but serious statements, that provide food for thought as well as contributing to everyone's personal enjoyment. And as free services and content are given to the public, there will always be people who take advantage of what is free, to squeeze in a minor profit .
The original content we have come to love, that was made for free,is being commercialized by those who lack the creativity to even conjure the creativity to contribute to it, and butcher it for the mere goal of self profit. Though i do appreciate the proposal of increasing awareness for the wonderful world that the internet has created for us all, it must be done in the same fashion, that those before have contributed towards the internet subculture, and that must mean it must not be commercialized.
By commercializing something that was already free, the genre or anything else close to it, has a tendency to destroy any sense of the original purpose of the concept that it was created for. Thus stunting growth in that particular field and causing the original content to fall significantly. It also becomes hypocritical of many companies who claim their work is being stolen from pirates and internet file sharers, and yet they have the nerve to take what the internet has created for free, for the public's personal enjoyment, and make try to profit from it. That is fencing. FAR worse than piracy at the level it is being done at. It hurts and probably destroys the sense of creativity and originality, with the fear that any work they post for free, will be stolen and resold by another
Do not support these companies who lack the brain power to commit to creativity, and have to steal it and claim it as their own to do so. Do not support individuals who carry this act.Companies accuse internet users of piracy, yet no company has been charged or fined for stealing internet content that has been resold, and was created for free by its community.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
The misunderstood photographs of life we all take, that others misinterpret
A picture is worth a thousand assumptions while murdering the truth.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
all rounded healthy breakfast
Afternoon people, Hope you guys enjoy this post
I come from the small island of Trinidad and Tobago, where we have a wide variety of fruits and veggies that some of you have never even heard of. Using the little experience i have gained from self taught cooking basics and observing others, i'm going to show you some wonderful breakfasts you can do it home that should be great for your day, your stomach and on your wallet!
This breakfast was designed for pre and post workout meals for myself after two hours worth of cardio and weight lifting (1 hour each)
This was my first attempt a while back, i have significantly improved,but if anyone is interested i'll just explain the basics:
Left plate:
Raw banana and Paw paw (no i am not going to eat the skin )
Paw paw(otherwise known as papaya) . it is Paw Paw is rich in vitamin A and C, and is excellent for weak digestive systems and to help food pass easier.
Banana: .Awesome source of fiber and vitamin B6, may have alot of sugar, but taking this in with the rest of the foods displayed here, make up for the daily sugar intake one requires for the day when losing weight. ( i made mine when i was 350pounds 26 grams a day tops with 1 monthly cheat day. Im now 260 )
Center Plate:
Fried plantain with cinnamon: Same values as the banana and as i stated before completes the daily sugar intake required for daily consumption. Cinnamon helps with cognitive function, reaction time and as i have heard from others, is that it makes you feel less hungry, as it slows down the rate at which your stomach empties
EGGS (doesn't matter how ya do it, eggs are just so kick brass!) To me, this is the best part of the meal i was waiting to explain. My coach in the weight loss process. Rich in proteins and fats that are amazing for the body, and help in so many ways for a pre and a post workout meal, depending on how your stomach reacts to eggs
to do?
Oil (preferably olive), or butter 1 tbspoon.
pinch of salt for each egg
pinch of ground,white or black pepper (your preference)
2 eggs (duh)
Set the frying pan on a stove (of course) set the temp at a medium level and use the oil to spread around the frying pan as much as possible. After 30 seconds of waiting, you can make a gentle crack with the egg (using your hands if you have the dexterity and coordinated strength ) and lightly pour onto the frying pan. Egg does not take any length of time to cook, the same length of time you let the frying pan to heat, is the same time you can use to cook the egg. If you did it perfectly, you can get the egg yolk to form perfectly (not seen in this picture LMFAO, i was a noob back in the day, i'll do another when i get the chance.) As the egg is placed on the pan, get the pinch of salt and black pepper and dress evenly across the egg.
(also to note, the fats contained in this meal are all good for you. "Fat", has been given a bad word, as everyone wants to lose weight, yet not realizing how crucial it is for you to consume it)
Raw Tomatoes: My demi god on my journey. This wonder veggie has a compilation of everything you need for the day that dietary supplement users will be jealous of. A decent source of Vitamin E, and Vitamin B6 and an amazing source of Vitamin, A,C and K with potassium and manganese. Compliments with the pawpaw to ease digestion and make the food you have consumed pass easier.
Right bowl
Granola, almonds and corn flakes with skimmed low fat milk: i required something that would maintain the require intake of daily fat use that i follow using the live strong.com guide to weight loss, so i added this in, and while following this food pattern has been working like a charm. Completing the necessary intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber i would require for the majority of the day.
I do not have specific values, ( as i did not weigh or calculate the servings of what i was using (except the eggs banana and the pawpaw) but i would provide the list of what i get out of this breakfast.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B5,6,12
Vitamin C
vitamin D
Vitamin E
Fats(Monounsaturated fat,Polyunsaturated fat,and saturated fat)
Pantothenic Acid
Anywho, if anyone has any questions they would like answered try me! Anywho, enjoy your day and LIVE STRONG!
breakfast recipe,
fat loss,
healthy breakfast,
healthy lifestyle,
lose weight,
Trinidad cuisine,
weight loss
Unknown location.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Blizzard Hacks - World of Warcraft Diablo Starcraft: WOW: Light Medium Leather and Linen Wool Cloth Far...
Blizzard Hacks - World of Warcraft Diablo Starcraft: WOW: Light Medium Leather and Linen Wool Cloth Far...: I was farming this spot with my level 43 rogue so I could level my leatherworking and get some cloth for the AH since it's still stupid hi...
Monday, 16 January 2012
The change that was made for the better, made worse by lesser men.
72 years ago, a war was required in order to stop the oppression of Europe and China. It was justified to fight that war, as it would've endangered the future of the rest of the world. 72 years later, No war, to this date, has had a justified reason for being necessary. It saddens me to know that i live in a generation, where the last vets who genuinely fought to protect their country and others will die, while other vets who have fought for unjustified wars, during the time of the illusion of democracy and freedom, forming into a policed run Country, controlled by corporatocracy. I can understand now why Metal Gear Solid 4's perception on war being run by companies and mercenaries now. I can understand why 1984 was written. Because this is the world we live in now, and rather than people seeing the horror of it and understanding it, continue with the perception that REAL democracy and capitalism and their freedoms still exist.
Not only has war changed, economics, finance, religion and people have changed in a direction where events do not happen randomly, it can be controlled by people who have the resources to do so. Though people think that is a joke, it is a terrible reality.
The world has changed, making us all assume that we as individuals, are more self-important,more powerful, more influential than others, pinning us to fight, compete and betray against one another in jobs,schools,social cliques and groups. We all want to drive the hottest car, play the loudest and most popular music for attention to boost our self importance and status, when in reality, we all can be free thinkers and individuals if we chose to be so, rather than simply being a follower of things,concepts viewpoints and religion, where if you search and siphon through the endless information to not be true. Never consider yourself above anyone, despite what you have, never consider anyone below you, because of their disabilities, accept the fact that we are human beings that are all on a same level that think differently, and our thoughts no matter how ridiculous it can be,should be respected. So rather than arguing,fighting and competing with one another, we should be helping and assisting each other grow into an individuals that helps make our society and our Country grow. Rather than sit down and bitch about it.
If people stay in this dreamlike state of becoming the most important and most powerful, you will not realize that these things we put so much value on, have a time limit. Money,status,power, and fame, can be lost or taken within days or seconds.
So to close, never consider yourself above anyone, despite what you have, never consider anyone below you, because of their disabilities, accept the fact that we are human beings that are all on a same level that think differently from others, do not fight amongst one another for one simple object,person,title or issue. And rather than fight over trivial pointless issues, try and find a way to resolve them. You as an individual are not worthless or powerless. You have a voice, two hands,two legs a mind, and most importantly a heart. Seek not self interest, but how you can benefit others, even if they refuse, still try, explain, not convince that his way of life can be improved as long as he understands his own capacity as a man. And never forget, there exist forces who can control and influence, media, politics, economics, finance, stock markets and people. Because, money as many of us,who are still foolish enough to chase after paper worth .28 cents, can be bought. Do not under any circumstance, end up like this, do not end up as how they want and expect you to be. Be yourself, not someone that you see doing.
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